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科尔 decided to enter the seminary for the Archdiocese of Atlanta right after graduating HSP, 他们就把他送到圣. 在路易斯安那州的约瑟夫神学院学习哲学.
现在科尔已经从圣. 约瑟夫,大主教管区会送他去圣. 在佛罗里达的文森特·德保罗地区神学院进行神学研究. 科尔仍然相信上帝希望他成为一名牧师. 除此之外, 他还在读小说, 弹钢琴, and trying to cook a little more for himself (a good skill for a priest to have).
他最喜欢HSP的一个部分是Mr. 维兰德的神学课. He introduced 科尔 to philosophy and theology which 科尔 would come to love. Mr. Verlander would also pray the Liturgy of the Hours with his students in the Oratory before they started class. 更不用说太太了。. 瑞格尔,奥. Radosta和Mr. 科尔在HSP开始真正爱上文学.
艾玛高中一年级就开始在HSP学习. 从HSP毕业后,她进入了佐治亚理工学院. 艾玛 graduated from Tech in May of 2022 with a Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration, 主修金融,辅修卫生和医学.
艾玛 is currently working at an Investment Management firm in Midtown as an Investment Analyst. 她对搬到丹佛感到兴奋, 7月在科罗拉多州开始了她在PNC的投资银行的职业生涯. 艾玛的爱好包括远足、跑步、滑雪和阅读.
她在HSP最美好的记忆是去意大利罗马的高中之旅. 艾玛在探索这座城市的艺术和建筑时玩得很开心!
班尼从八年级开始在HSP学习,并于2011年5月毕业. After graduating, he attended Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville
Benny is currently The Media and Admin Specialist for the Office of Evangelization and Discipleship at the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
He also serves on the leadership team of the CTK 20/30 Somethings Young Adult Group in charge of their website. 本尼非常喜欢吃寿司自助餐, 跟随他的亚特兰大运动队, 参加老歌音乐会.
Three memories in particular stand out from Benny’s time at HSP: (1) Being elected 首页coming Prince his junior year, lip-synching to Frank Sinatra for the House Day Talent Show (what other school lets you do that?)以及他参演的许多戏剧, 包括他最喜欢的两个, 《十大玩彩信誉平台》本尼扮演奥马尔·加夫尼法官, 和他爸爸在高中时扮演的角色一样, and “Charlie in the Chocolate Factory” where he had his first ever lead role, 威利旺卡.
埃莉是一名“HSP终身工作者”,从幼儿园开始就在HSP工作. 毕业后, 她就读于奥本大学 with a degree in Human Development and Family Science.
艾莉 is currently a residential Real Estate Agent with Berkshire Hathaway 首页Services Georgia Properties.
她喜欢HSP是一个如此紧密的社区. 艾莉 is still best friends with people that she has known since preschool, which is pretty special!
凯蒂从二年级开始在HSP上学. 从HSP毕业后, 她就读于奥本大学, where she graduated with a marketing degree and a minor in nonprofit studies.
目前, Catie works full-time at HSP as the Development Coordinator and 校友 Relations Coordinator. She serves as the Director of the Young Adult Ministry at Holy Spirit Catholic Church and is a member of the auxiliary for the Order of Malta.
Catie’s favorite memories at HSP were the Wednesday Upper School weekly Masses and the annual SJC trips to Kentucky with Mr. Radosta和Mr. 拉贝风.
托德从1996年的第一年开始就读HSP, when he was a two-year-old preschooler through his high school graduation in 2012. He studied Classical Greek and mathematics at Harvard University, and he received his M.D. 今年五月,我获得了哥伦比亚大学的学位.
他和他的妻子现在开始在波士顿做住院医生, 他在那里接受精神病学培训,而她在那里接受儿科培训.
托德’s favorite memories of HSP include wearing kilts with friends on dress-up Fridays, 在大四时获得足球冠军, and witnessing the Catholic faith embodied each day in the school’s amazing faculty.
艾米从8年级开始在HSP学习,并于2014年5月毕业. After graduating, she attended The United States Coast Guard Academy in New London, CT.
艾米在USCGC NORTHLAND (WMEC 904)上服役, 一艘270英尺长的船停泊在朴茨茅斯港, 维吉尼亚州, 担任两年甲板值班主任(船舶驾驶员). 她目前在华盛顿特区的海岸警卫队总部工作.C. 作为渔业执法的政策/数据分析师. 艾米还为华盛顿特区的小船站提供支持.C. as a Boarding Officer to ensure vessels are operating safely and are in compliance with federal laws and regulations.
在她空闲的时候, 艾米喜欢打篮球, 水肺潜水, 和她哥哥还有他的孩子们在一起.
艾米’s favorite memories from HSP were being a part of the Lady Cougars basketball team, 在大四的罗马之旅中吃了23个冰淇淋, 以及她结交的终生友谊.
杰西在八年级中期开始了HSP, 当时她的家人从俄亥俄州的辛辛那提搬到了佐治亚州的亚特兰大.
2017年从HSP毕业, 杰西 continued her academic studies at Mount Saint Mary’s University in Emmitsburg MD. 在Mount待了4年之后, 她毕业时获得了商务和传播双学位, 辅修市场营销.
毕业后, 杰西得到了Carahsoft公司的工作机会, 政府资讯科技解决方案供应商, 位于弗吉尼亚州莱斯顿. She currently runs the Federal Systems Integrators and Intelligence Community accounts. 当她不工作的时候,杰西喜欢在外面跑步! 分成两个位置, 因为杰西目前住在佐治亚州哥伦布市, 她支持她的男朋友,因为他是一名陆军步兵军官, 驻扎在本宁堡.
当杰西在八年级中期搬到亚特兰大时, 说她紧张是太轻描淡写了. 在年中加入一所新学校绝对是可怕的. 但这些担忧终于结束了, once 杰西 got involved in 4 varsity sports and student leadership (Nicaea still rocks!) She will never forget getting her concussion senior year of high school during soccer season, 然后在医院里醒来, 被我的家人和她最亲密的朋友包围着. And friendship at HSP, was the greatest gift that 杰西 could’ve asked for.
At Holy Spirit Preparatory School, we are committed to graduating men and women who:
- Recognize their infinite value and dignity as persons made in God’s own image;
- 信奉并实践天主教的教义;
- 根据福音的客观真理来塑造他们的良心;
- Pray daily, attend Mass faithfully, and contemplate the beauty of Creation;
- 珍惜自己家人的祝福;
- 用爱和对他人善良的希望来处理人际关系;
- 把基督的爱告诉那些还不认识他的人;
- 努力成为快乐和慷慨的丈夫和妻子, 父亲和母亲, 当被召唤到婚姻生活;
- Seek to be happy and generous in their vocations when called to the priesthood or religious life;
- Possess an integrated knowledge of traditional academic disciplines in the arts and sciences;
- Think deeply, logically, imaginatively, and prayerfully to make decisions according to right reason;
- 通过书面和口头语言进行清晰的沟通;
- Participate confidently in diverse athletic, artistic, and intellectual pursuits;
- 保持健康的工作、休闲、运动和休息习惯;
- Embrace their civic duty to improve their communities through personal engagement;
- 具有宽宏大量的性格和慷慨的心;
- 深刻领会圣灵预备圣餐, 把自己看作是社会的一员;
- 在他们的学院、教区和社会团体中担任领袖;
- Utilize technology and media responsibly to foster authentic relationships;
- 保护未出生者、老人、穷人和受难者的尊严;
- 在基督教慈善中尊重不同的文化和信仰;
- 渴望不断获取新知识;
- 体验真正的自由,这是美德生活的果实;
- 带着喜乐的盼望盼望在天堂与神共度永生.
我们为我们的校友感到骄傲! 感谢您成为圣灵预备学校的重要一员. We congratulate you on your accomplishments and look forward to staying connected.